
Money, Money, Money

“For most people, money is never just money, a tool to accomplish some of life’s goals. It is love, power, happiness, security, control, dependency, independence, freedom and more. Money is so loaded a symbol that to unload it—and I believe that it must be unloaded to live in a fully rational and balanced relationship to money—reaches deep into the human psyche. Usually, when the button of money is pressed, deeper issues emerge that have long been neglected.” (January/February, Psychology Today, 1999, “Men, Women, & Money,” by Olivia Mellan).

Don’t believe me?  Then consider the people who can make lots of money, but can’t keep it due to impulsive spending or the inability to save.  Or, consider those who can control their spending and gambling habits but sabotage their ability to take risks, extend themselves, smartly invest, etc. Consider those who let fear sabotage investment.


In this Workshop You will Discover …

In the study of the Structure of Wealth we have discovered that some people just seem to have a nature knack for making wealth, experiencing wealth, thinking in wealthy ways, having a wealth of ideas, experiencing wealthy emotions. They live their lives in a way that seems rich, full, complete, satisfying, enhancing, empowering, resourceful.  What gives?  How can we learn to replicate what they do? In the workshop, you will find out!

You’ll learn a holistic approach to wealth as “abundance” in many dimensions of life:  mind, heart, finances, relationships, creativity, etc.  You will learn how to adopt a wealthy perspective so that you do not “sell your soul for money” to the detriment of your relationships, health, happiness, etc.

Wealth, from “weal,” refers to abundance of supplies, possessions, and resources. It speaks of affluence, abundance. The original term weal refers to being in a “sound, healthy or prosperous state, well-being.”