How To Create Wealth

The central myth is that there is a secret to get rich quick. Actually, the get-rich-quick mentality is the fastest way to become a sucker for a thousand schemes and to make yourself deaf and blind to all of the possibilities around you for creating lasting wealth. The truth is that wealth is most often created by thinking long-term and working through the stages of wealth creation with persistence, dedication, commitment, and discipline.

I created this process and program by modeling many wealth creators. I examined what they did that created wealth and I explored their beliefs, values, states, meta-states, perceptual filters, and attitudes. Along the way I also found numerous strategies for creating financial wealth that worked in the short-term, but were unhealthy strategies. They paid a high price for their money —for some it cost their health, for others their relationships, for others their sanity and life enjoyment.

The good news: Creating wealth is not rocket science. Learning and discovering how to do it is fairly simple; following through and actually doing it—that’s where most people fail. The strategy is simple; the execution is not. You have to change. That’s where you need the frames of a Wealth Creation Matrix to carry you through.

The first goal I set for myself was to become financially stable and later to become financially independent. It took me six years to achieve that. Then, eight years from the day that I sat down and wrote my first Wealth Creation Plan, I accumulated my first one million in equity in U.S. dollars. Yet what’s actually surprising about that is that it just seemed to happen and it didn’t seem to be “the work” that I had always anticipated. Like the people in Blotnick’s study, “it crept upon me.”

As none of the secrets of creating wealth are rocket science, nor is there any one secret which is a panacea. The principles of wealth creating have been around for more than a century.

This training focuses on the principles as the critical frames of mind to empower you to think like a millionaire. That is just the beginning. Yet it is not enough.

Next, you have to master yourself so you can get yourself to actual do what you know and act like a millionaire, close the knowing-doing gap and develop a practical plan for taking effective action.